Working with the Employment Agency Thomson Tremblay

Once you accept a position, you will be provided with a complete job description. Please make sure that you are performing the work that was described to you; if the tasks don't correspond to your job description, please notify your Thomson Tremblay consultant immediately. It is extremely important to stay in contact with your consultant every week. We are here to support you throughout your placement and when your contract expires, we will find you a new one.
Thomson Tremblay employees have a reputation for being punctual and reliable. It is essential that you arrive at your job placement on time.
In the event of a late arrival or absence, you must call your Thomson Tremblay office directly (do not call the company where you've been assigned to work). We must be advised of any lateness, medical appointments, sick days or any other reason for which you cannot arrive at work on time. Our telephone service is available 24 hours a day: (514) 861-9971.
If you are required to fill in a timesheet to be paid: download, print, complete and submit a timesheet by 5:00 PM Monday at the latest.
Thomson Tremblay pays on a weekly basis. Your paycheck or direct deposit will be ready by 12:00 PM every Friday. All paychecks are put in the mail Friday.
There is no ability to pick up a paycheck. Direct deposit is strongly encouraged.